Greg’s Issues
America’s Greatest Threat: Inflation
Inflation is the greatest threat facing America today. If you can’t afford to pay your bills, other political issues are unimportant. Making life affordable needs to be our nation’s top priority. The solution is to stop messing with our money by taxing, printing, and spending money we don’t have.
Revive Ohio’s Economy
Ohioans deserve an economic revival. A full-spectrum invigoration of our economy- bringing the old, quality manufacturing jobs back while encouraging cutting-edge small business innovation.
Stop Drugs & Crime
Every Ohio neighborhood should be a liveable neighborhood. I will never let Congress defund our police. I will do what it takes to get fentanyl and deadly opiates off of Ohio’s streets so businesses and families can thrive. That’s a promise.
Reduce the Federal Government
The Federal government is out of control. They have taken power from the states, the localities, and the people and demand zero accountability. Once elected, I must ensure that the federal government is not infringing on the rights of Ohioans to operate our state as we like.
Have questions about Greg’s positions?
If you have questions about these issues, or others, please reach out to Greg using the form below.